Ti:Sapphire Lasers

Ti:sapphire is the workhorse of ultrafast lasers due to its high gain bandwidth, enabling delivery of the shortest pulses and scalable to high pulse energy and average power.  KMLabs provides a full suite of modelocked oscillators and integrated oscillator-amplifier systems, spanning pulse energies from the nJ range to 30 mJ in pulses from 11 to 50 fs.


Product Description


Ultrashort-pulse mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser oscillators


Kerr lens mode-locked oscillator.griffin-pic-for-detail-page

11-50 fs pulse duration in an engineered platform.

Open box, fully integrated, water-cooled laser.

Seed laser to Legacy Wyvern and Dragon Ti:Sapphire Amplifier System.


Kerr lens mode-locked oscillator.Collegiate_633_web

11-50 fs pulse duration in an engineered platform.

Laser kit, assembly required.

Ideal for Ultrafast Educators to use for training or for those on a budget who still need high performance.


Ti:Sapphire amplifier system


Next-generation ultrafast Ti:sapphire amplifier.RAEA_InnovationAward

Permacool technology for highest pulse quality and repetition rate flexibility to enable up to 200x throughput.

< 35 fs regenerative amplifier and < 25 fs multipass amplifier designs available.

mJ-class pulse energies at multi-kHz rep rates.

The only commercial amplifier system designed for high harmonic generation.

Wyvern Legacy Ti:sapphire amplifier
Dragon  Legacy Ti:sapphire amplifier