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Resolving problems in advanced lithography could push this technology much more into the mainstream, but that won’t be easy.


The next phase of EUV development has begun—making EUV more predictable and potentially more mainstream—and it’s looking to be every bit as difficult and ambitious as other developments in advanced lithography.

In the early days of EUV development, supporters of the technology argued that it was “still based on photons,” as opposed to alternatives like electron beam lithography. While that’s technically true, even a casual glance at EUV optics shows that these photons interact with matter differently. EUV photons emerge from a plasma, focus via reflective optics, and slam into the photoresist with 91.6 eV, more than 10 times as much energy as their counterparts at longer wavelengths.

Read the full story from Semiconductor Engineering

Filed under: photoresist, semiconductor technology, attolab, imec, photon absorption

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